Track rules
Art. 1
This regulation governs access to the racetrack and the use of its facilities by third parties. Any provisions (fees, schedules, etc.) issued by the Management and displayed on the notice board at the racetrack's offices form an integral part of this regulation, and violators will be subject to penalties, without prejudice to their possible referral to the competent Judicial Authority by AUTODROMO DI MODENA (hereinafter also referred to as "Management").
Art. 2
Public and track users' access is subject to compliance with the requirements, procedures, and schedules established indisputably by the Management, or in the case of events/competitions, by the programs and specific regulations of the same, as well as the payment of the relevant fees.
Art. 3
Anyone admitted to the racetrack area must strictly comply, in addition to what is prescribed in this regulation, with the instructions given by the authorized personnel, road traffic regulations (Legislative Decree 285/92 or 'Highway Code'), and the prohibitions in force in the area. Vehicles and motorcycles must comply with this document and the instructions provided by racetrack staff.
In particular:
- Minors under the age of 18 (eighteen) are not allowed in the racetrack area unless accompanied.
- Access is prohibited for vehicles and/or motorcycles without the necessary passes issued by the Management or event/competition organizers.
- Entry to certain internal areas (boxes, pit lane, press zone, etc.) requiring specific access passes is forbidden to unauthorized persons.
- It is prohibited to bring animals of any kind or size onto the track and pit lane. In the paddock and other unspecified open areas, animals must be kept on a leash.
Art. 4
The racetrack and its facilities may be made available for various activities/events/competitions (sports, technical, entertainment, etc.) or for sports, technical, or other types of testing. The Management may refuse the facility's rental at its sole discretion without obligation to provide justification.
Art. 5
The track can be used either exclusively (through a rental contract) or non-exclusively.
Art. 5.1
Exclusive use of the track may vary in duration and include or exclude additional services provided by the racetrack. The applicable fees will be those agreed upon with the Management. Exclusive use is granted upon Management authorization following evaluation of:
- The type of vehicles and/or motorcycles the applicant intends to involve
- The intended use of the facilities by the applicant
For auto-motorcycle events/competitions, an exclusive rental contract is always mandatory. AUTODROMO DI MODENA is only committed to granting the track after signing the exclusive rental contract, with the following key conditions:
- It is finalized only upon payment of a deposit to AUTODROMO DI MODENA equal to 30% of the agreed total amount, excluding VAT.
- The remaining 70% + VAT (calculated at the legal rate) must be paid at least 8 (eight) working days before the scheduled facility use.
- Non-use by the user does not entitle them to a refund of the deposit under any circumstances.
- If not otherwise specified, the total rental balance and additional service fees must be paid within 8 (eight) working days before the scheduled facility use; failure to do so results in contract termination due to non-compliance.
- Failure to use the track and/or services by the organizer does not exempt them from paying the full agreed amount, except in case of cancellation received at least 30 (thirty) working days before the scheduled facility use, in which case only the deposit will be retained.
- AUTODROMO DI MODENA retains the total rental and service fee agreed upon in the contract, even if the services are only partially used.
- Non-use or partial use due to force majeure or reasons beyond AUTODROMO DI MODENA's control does not entitle the user to any reduction of the agreed amount.
- If the track becomes unusable for reasons beyond AUTODROMO DI MODENA’s control, the Management may offer an alternative date or refund the received amount. If non-use or partial use is due to AUTODROMO DI MODENA’s decisions, its liability is limited to the amount paid by the organizer.
- If the track and facilities are used beyond the agreed time, additional fees will apply, and prior authorization from the Management is required.
Art. 5.2
For non-exclusive use, vehicles or motorcycles from one or more users are admitted with limitations on number, type, and category, as determined exclusively by the Management. Open practice sessions and tourist laps may also be allowed. Track use requires prepayment according to the fee schedule and adherence to the schedule for open practice sessions, as well as the opening and closing hours displayed at the Management office. Users who have paid for the service are entitled to use the track within the prescribed limits of this regulation and must collect a pass, which is strictly personal and non-transferable. The pass must be shown at track entry and whenever requested by staff. If the pass is lost, altered, or illegible, the user forfeits all rights, and no refunds will be granted.
Art. 6
- The entry of any vehicle or motorcycle onto the track is subject to the driver signing the declaration of waiver of liability and assumption of risk and providing a photocopy of an identity document. In certain cases, a valid driving license must also be presented.
- Access to the pit boxes is permitted exclusively to drivers, mechanics, and anyone expressly authorized by the Management. Entry and/or parking, including with mobile structures, in the paddock area are subject to the Management's regulations and must be expressly authorized.
- Drivers of vehicles and motorcycles must be at least 18 years old on the date of the trials.
- Minors must always be accompanied by a legal guardian.
- Drivers of motor vehicles or motorcycles must possess a valid driving license or an FMI, FIM, FIA, CSAI, or FIK license.
- Motorcycle drivers are strictly required to enter the track equipped with a homologated protective helmet, leather suit, gloves, suitable boots, and a back protector.
- Automobile drivers are required to enter the track equipped with a homologated protective helmet and fastened seat belts (which may be provided by the Autodrome if previously agreed upon).
- For competition vehicles and motorcycles, the regulations of the respective national sports authorities regarding clothing, seat belts, and the installation of liquid recovery systems and slide/underplates for motorcycles apply.
- On open practice days and on days of exclusive rental of the track, the maximum number of vehicles allowed on track is 20 per category. The Management reserves the right to modify this limit based on a technical evaluation.
- Each competition vehicle is allowed only one driver unless otherwise authorized by the Management upon the track supervisor's opinion. Only the driver is allowed on motorcycles. For homologated vehicles or motorcycles, only the driver is permitted unless otherwise authorized by the Management upon the track supervisor's opinion; in all other cases, the decision is at the discretion of the Management.
- Each driver must maintain correct, fair, and responsible behavior on the track towards other drivers and staff. They must also respect the track marshals' signals, under penalty of immediate exclusion from the day's activities, which can be indisputably decided by the Management. In such cases, no refunds or reimbursements will be provided for missed sessions.
- Each driver must ensure that the vehicle or motorcycle they intend to use is in perfect condition for the test, assuming full responsibility for any accidents and resulting damages to themselves, their property, third parties, or third-party property (including pilots, passengers, companions, mechanics, etc.), as well as the autodrome facilities. The driver releases AUTODROMO DI MODENA, its Management, its appointees, employees, and any other relevant parties from any liability under Articles 1228 and 2049 of the Civil Code.
- Reversing or driving against the prescribed direction (clockwise) is strictly prohibited. Stopping or parking on the track is also forbidden. In the event of a forced stop, the vehicle or motorcycle must be pushed to the side lanes or off the track, away from other users' paths. The driver must assist in moving the vehicle with track marshals or, if unable, immediately signal the obstruction.
- If a driver notices an obstacle or considers the track conditions unsafe, they must immediately inform the nearest safety and rescue personnel. Failure to report implies tacit approval of the track's condition.
- Refueling or repairs on the track are prohibited. Walking across the track, with or without a vehicle, is strictly forbidden except during authorized times.
- Races and/or betting of any kind among track users are strictly prohibited.
- Drivers must return to the pits at a reduced speed, not exceeding 30 km/h, signaling their entry to following drivers.
- The track supervisor may suspend ongoing tests at their absolute discretion if safety conditions are compromised. They may also deny entry or order an immediate return to the pits for any driver posing a disturbance or danger to themselves or others.
- Getting out of a vehicle or motorcycle and walking along the track is strictly prohibited.
- Entering the track with bicycles, mopeds, etc., during lunch breaks or at any other time without authorization is strictly forbidden.
- It is strictly prohibited to drive nails, stakes, or poles into the asphalt or concrete surfaces of the paddock, pit boxes, pit lane, or track, as well as to cause any damage to these surfaces.
- Abandoning or disposing of hazardous waste (batteries, tires, electrical materials, mechanical parts, etc.) and flammable and/or polluting liquids in any area of the autodrome is strictly prohibited. Offenders will bear the costs of restoring previous conditions and disposing of such waste.
- Testing vehicles or motorcycles and performing stunts in the paddock, pit boxes, and pit lane is strictly prohibited. In these areas, walking pace must be observed, and paddock behavior rules under Articles 140 and 193 of Legislative Decree 30/04/92 No. 285 (Highway Code) apply unless otherwise specified by the Management.
- Performing any kind of stunt on the track that may endanger oneself or others is strictly prohibited. Offenders will be immediately called back to the pits and may be banned from future sessions or track use.
- Purchasing test session tickets from third parties is strictly prohibited, as they are personal and non-transferable.
- Drivers must always notify the Management of any changes to personal data, license renewals, or vehicle changes before participating in open practice sessions.
Art. 7
All vehicles and motorcycles used on the track must not exceed a noise level of 98 dB. If necessary, they must be equipped with a dB Killer Kit or other devices to reduce noise emissions within legal limits, unless otherwise specified by the Management. Vehicles or motorcycles deemed too noisy (even with sound reduction devices) will be stopped and subjected to a noise test using the following method:
- Engine at 3/4 maximum RPM.
- Sound meter positioned 50 cm from the exhaust at a 45° lateral angle.
Vehicles or motorcycles exceeding the limit will be immediately removed from the autodrome without any reimbursement.
Art. 8
On open practice days when the track is not exclusively rented, AUTODROMO DI MODENA guarantees the presence of an ambulance, at least two rescue personnel, one fire safety officer with a rapid intervention vehicle, and track marshals who will use flags or light signals according to CSAI and FIA regulations.
Art. 9
The Management may, at its sole discretion, stop or suspend ongoing tests. In such cases, the user is not entitled to any refund, compensation, or reimbursement. If a test session is interrupted, the lost time will not be recovered, and no refunds will be issued.
Art. 10
Track access authorizations may only be used by the requester and cannot be transferred to third parties. The original holder will be solely responsible for any damages caused by unauthorized users within the track or auxiliary structures. The original holder is also responsible for any physical injuries sustained by the unauthorized user within the facility, releasing AUTODROMO DI MODENA from any claims, actions, rights, or disputes arising from the unauthorized use of the facility.
This provision also applies in case of failure to report a lost pass to the Management.
Art. 11
Violation of any part of these regulations may result in immediate expulsion from the facility by AUTODROMO DI MODENA, without prejudice to any further legal actions taken by the Management.
Art. 12
The Management reserves the exclusive right to update or modify these regulations without prior notice. A copy displayed at the autodrome's Management office immediately enforces the provisions contained therein.